The Coming Year of the Dragon, 2024,
A Timeless Symbol of Strength, Wisdom, and Good Fortune From The Floating World of Ukiyo-e
How can a creature born of pure human imagination, fantasy, and myth dominate the hearts and minds of both Eastern and Western cultures? How this coming year will play out is anyone's guess, with the ongoing war in Ukraine, the unending conflict in the Middle East, the "third opium war", and the 2024 Presidential election here at home, the only certainty we may assume is that mankind has a whole lot hanging in the balance. As an especially auspicious symbol for the times and our chosen theme this year, join us in celebrating the eternal and powerful presence of a mythical creature no man has ever seen, thriving in the netherworld dimensions of our human hearts. Stories of dragons have prevailed in the folklore and oral traditions of both Eastern and Western cultures alike. Their forms generally follow a similar formula, reptilian, and serpentine-- diverging in their abilities such as flying, hoarding gold, and fire-breathing, (qualities unique only to the West). In Eastern lore, dragons became the guardians of the elements, keepers of the balance in nature, whose presence would grace us at pivitoal moments in our lives as benevolent benefactors' affecting the human condition for better or worse. The artisans of the Japanese Edo period were able to harvest the rich fields of human imagination sown from centuries of folklore surrounding the dragon's mythical prowess. They harvested the ripened fields of human imagination and translated into the imagery and artistry of a new "Floating World", and brought it as an artwork accessable to the masses for the first time in their printed artwork known as ukiyo-e.
Recent Japanese Woodblock Acquisitions for Winter 23'

What are we about...
A Japanese art gallery with expertise specializing in authentic Japanese woodblock prints and Asian art. Collect with the confidence of a seasoned professional and let us take the guesswork out of the art market. We promise that you will not only walk away with a great woodblock print, but you will also get a crash course on the intricacies and nuance connoisseur collectors use to weigh the value and desirability of a print. You might ask yourself, does condition matter? Well, it could mean the difference between your average run-of-the-mill piece and a truly exceptional print. This knowledge does not come overnight; it's learned from making many expensive mistakes. Of course, each collector has his or her own tastes. Changes in trends and tastes change like the seasons. It is our goal to lessen the guesswork for our collectors. Each of our prints is carefully described giving you an idea of the merits of each print, hopefully, to help you decide which Japanese woodblock print makes the most sense for your collection and money.
Edo Gallery is a proud sponsor of the Japanese Art Society of America. Impressions vol.43 part II Available now.

Our Purpose & History
Edo Gallery 是一家小型家族拥有和经营的小型企业,专注于延续日本木版印刷经销商悠久而丰富的传统。我们致力于为挑剔的收藏家提供最高品质、价格合理的日本版画。我们是日本版画经销商协会和 JASA(美国日本艺术协会)的成员。
我们的主要专家 Geoffrey Oliver 毕生致力于收集和研究日本版画。作为收藏家,首先,我们提供的每幅版画都经过精心挑选,我们拥有经验丰富的细微差别和敏锐洞察力,这些晦涩的事实为每幅版画的丰富历史增添了色彩。
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